The Self-Insured Institute of America, SIIA, held its 31st annual conference in Arizona covering self-insurance related topics including captive insurance companies and other Alternative Risk Transfer ("ART") programs. This year's conference theme was innovation led by ART developments.
Watch Exclusive Video Interviews with Some SIIA Speakers
Click on the links below to watch these exclusive interviews:
- Benefits of Group Captives for Closely Held Businesses, Duke Niedringhaus, J.W. Terrill;
- Why a Captive Insurance Company was Needed to Help Re-Build the World Trade Center, General Counsel David Biester;
- Innovative Enterprise Risk Management and Captive Application Programs for Global Organization, Grace Crickette, Chief Risk Officer, University of California;
- Documenting the ROI on Safety, Loss Control & Loss Prevention Investment Programs, Grace Crickette, Chief Risk Officer, University of California;
- Wellness Program Innovations to Reduce Occupational Injury and Health Care Costs, Grace Crickette, Chief Risk Officer, University of California;
- Health Care Reform Act Business Implications, Todd Archer, Mutual Assurance Administrators and Past President of the Health Care Administrators Association;
- Reforms Truly Needed to Positively Impact Quality and Cost of Health Care, Todd Archer, Mutual Assurance Administrators and Past President of the Health Care Administrators Association.
- World Trade Center Captive Structure & Purpose, David Biester, WTC Insurance Company General Counsel;
Pictures from the SIIA Innovation 2011 Conference: