Superior wealth protection and risk management services including captive design and end of life tax free reorganization services

Preliminary Captive Assessment and Cost Proposal

All Information Kept Strictly Confidential

If you are seriously considering a captive but are unsure if a captive makes sense for you, our Preliminary Captive Assessment ("PCA") is the best next step. PCAs are very valuable for any business whether you form a captive or not. PCAs provide an objective professional risk management assessment analysis service every business needs whether they know it or not. Properly done PCAs include a review of your existing commercial insurance program.

If you or you client want a preliminary captive underwriting and pre-feasibility study assessment that determine the types of policies and premium levels indicated for a captive insurance program protecting your business, please either:

If you are not yet ready to share confidential information in writing, please contact us today for a free initial consultation.

Here is a fairly detailed list of the potential benefits of well designed captive risk management programs compared to self insurance and commercial insurance:

Here is a general idea of the types of risks often targeted by captive insurance companies - Note the typically insured risk areas are those targeted by traditionally designed captives with a large deductible/retention layer covered by a captive and high losses still covered by stop loss or excess insurance bought in the commercial markets:

Here is an over-simplified example of cash flow impact of a captive. Read these underlying assumptions to better understand the following chart, and be advised that tax savings cannot and must not be your primary motivation in creating a captive:

Contact us if you want help deciding if a captive makes sense for you or a client and the steps and costs involved to create or join an excellent captive insurance company program. 
See our disclaimers.
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