CICA is the world's largest domicile neutral captive insurance association.
The 2012 conference in Scottsdale Arizona celebrated CICA's 40th year. Industry leading experts presented on a wide range of current captive insurance hot topics. Insurance regulators in attendance were from onshore and offshore domiciles including Vermont, Delaware, Utah, Nevada, South Carolina, Arizona, Montana, Kentucky, Missouri, Michigan, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Barbados, BVI, St. Lucia, Vanuatu, and others.
Exclusive Video Interviews:
Video #1: Steve Kinion, Delaware Director of Captive Insurance, discussed the success of Delaware's Series LLC captive structures and why its use for small insurance companies is proving so effective for smaller businesses. Click here to visit Delaware's captive website.
Video #2: Ross Elliott, Utah Captive Insurance Director. Mr. Elliott discusses why Utah has become one of the leading U.S. domiciles licensing approximately 100 new captives since 2009 and now the #2 US domicile in number of active captives licensed. Utah's cell captive insurance company costs and rules are discussed in the 2nd half of the video.
Video #3: Steve Kinion of Delaware discusses Employee Benefit captives, the Affordable Care Act impact, extending captive applications to life, annuity and retirement products. Click here to visit Delaware's captive website.
More exclusive videos discussing captive insurance can be found by clicking here.
Here are some photos from CICA 2012:
(pictured above from left to right: Ross Elliott, Utah Captive Insurance Director with Jeremy Huish, JD CPA, Director of Business Development, and James Tehero, CPA, Director of Captive Management, executives with Artex Risk Solutions, the global captive division of NYSE Fortune 500 Insurance giant Arthur J. Gallagher with over 13,000 employees worldwide and captive offices in many leading on and offshore domiciles)
More CICA 2012 Photos:

Here are some earlier videos from the 2011 Captive LIVE event with representatives of other captive domiciles: